Sunday, 31 July 2016

8 ball pool box Trick

Well here is informational note on the 8 ball pool's Surprise cue trick.this informational post will be quite brief so that you can act step by step to achieve your desired cue.
 So lets start the trick information.Initially there are some basic requirements to fulfill the need or there would be a problem if you were unable to do must have 1 PC or laptop where you can access your 8 ball pool game on miniclips official website.
If you dont have a PC or laptop dont quit the post keep on reading there is another simple trick which will enable you to open your game on miniclip website.You should have 2 Android mobile so that  from 1 you can access the main app and from another you can access on the main miniclips website.Now if you are using 2 mobiles you need to download puffin browser which is a flash browser which makes you enable to play 8 ball pool on your mobile just like on PC or laptop.if you are using a mobile and PC so open 8ball pool from minclip website in your Computer or a laptop.Now the second requirement is minimal of  3 cash (Rare Cue box) and maximum you should have 43 (if you really want to open a legendary cue).Now the requirements have been completed and we can now proceed in our trick.
 As we already launched 8 ball pool on miniclip website using PC or puffin browser,Now go to 1on1 and play 100 coins match.let the match occur and open the 8ball pool app in your mobile.If you are using puffin browser so open the app in your secondary mobile.Now youre logged in with the same id at same time at minilips website and the mobile app.
Now what you have to do further is to go to shop and buy a surprise box, it depends upon you what you buy.Now once you buyed the Surprise boxes don't open them and reload the miniclip game opened in your computer or puffin you reconnect to the game you'll see that you still have the same amount of cash.Now restart your mobile app as you logged in with mobile app it will be cleared that nothing of your cash has been wasted.While worth when you open your mini games and select on surprise boxes you will be shocked to see the box is being buyed for no real cash.
That's how we do it keep yourself updated for next post will be describing the way and the method of unlocking the ICE CUE which really worth 75 cash and we are going to buy that in 10 cash.Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading kindly drop an comment for appreciation if you enjoyed. 


  1. 8 ball pool is just wonderful game, it went viral since the launch of this game, after some time developers made a mobile version if that game, if for some reason you cannot download it on your mobile, google it with free apk file, transfer in your phone and done.

  2. All is fack no trust i was loss money mord but no chance plz quit its Luck by chance

  3. Please trick for me 8 ball pool game
